Friday, October 05, 2012


Brigg Town Council's Planning and Environment Committee is to meet next Wednesday (October 10) in the Angel Suite and among applications to be considered will be the demolition of the disused Ancholme Inn on Grammar School Road.
An application has been lodged with North Lincolnshire Council for prior approval of the proposed method of demolition.
Town councillors will also have the opportunity to make their views known on an advertisement consent application to retain four signs at the Brigg Pizza and Kebab House, 11 Spring's Parade.
Also on the list is erection of a single story extension and alterations to existing dwelling - 7 Eastfield Road.
Brigg town councillors must be consulted about all applications but final decisions are always made by North Lincolnshire, the planning authority.
Next Wednesday night's planning meeting starts at 7pm and will be followed at 7.45pm by a meeting of the Brigg Town Council Property and Services Committee.
It will receive reports on how things are progressing on the Redcombe Lane and Grammar School Road allotments and also receive an update about the Angel Suite community venue.
Councillors will also consider the town centre Christmas lights installation in late November.
Both these meetings are open to interested members of the public.

1 comment:

  1. If approved, the building firm should not assume that demolition is implicit that the land can be used for housing developing.

    A vital aspect that has to be examined by NLC and others is the impact that extra houses in the area will have on the already very congested Grammar School Road.

    The recently published Brigg's Community-Led Plan advocates that various developments within Brigg's infrastructure should be coordinated...and states that 'no road should become overwhelmed' with traffic.

    If BTC and NLC eventually approve housing on the site (I accept that Brigg needs additional housing) without adding the priviso of improving vehicular access & congestion in the area, it will be ignoring the report - the Community-Led Plan - that BTC, itself, has approved .....and NLC should not sideline the community issues/concerns within C-L Plan in the rush to approve housing on the site.
