Friday, October 01, 2010


Planning permission is being sought for change of use of a nursery to a health and beauty salon, with associated alterations and off-street car parking - Rainbow Kindergarten, Wesley Road, Brigg.


  1. There's already more health and beauty salons than the combined total of pubs and restaurants in Brigg.
    Anything from colonic irrigation, full-body tans, manicures to bikini-line trims.
    I must save me pennies and try a few cures before I become too ugly.

  2. New slogans for Brigg:

    1. Brigg - the town for Booze, Bacon and Beauty

    2. Brigg - the place to visit for Liquor, Lunches and Liposuction

    3. Visit Brigg and come away a different person

    4. Brigg - Take it or Leave it - There's a wide choice

    5. Brigg - Where You Matter.
    Visit Brian's DIY!

    6. Brigg - The Holist Approach

    7. Beauty is only skin deep and if you want a skinful, visit Brigg

    8. Brigg - The Town where's there's a slim chance of looking good
