Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Humberside Police are to stop people from parking on a rough area of ground near their station in Brigg.
Accessed from Cary Lane, the sometimes muddy square of land between the large tree and the single-block council office is a favourite with Brigg drivers "in the know" and is often full of vehicles.
However, police have now decided enough is enough on their land and plan to erect bollards next month, having first left warning signs on vehicles' windows.
The plan was revealed to councillors in an email from the police, read out at last night's Brigg Town Council meeting. "Health and safety" appears to be the prime reason behind the decision.
I've got to admit this has long been my favourite location to park when visiting Wrawby Street shops and services. The same will apply to a number of other Brigg residents. It's not unusual to see a dozen cars parked on this piece of land which appears to have no intended purpose.
The police are, of course, free to do what they want with their own land, and you can't argue with their reasoning. But those of us who have long enjoyed this free parking concession now face the choice of either paying North Lincolnshire Council through the Old Courts Road meters for the benefit of shopping in Brigg town centre, or venturing a little further afield to Tesco or Lidl, seeking a space there, and walking a little further.


  1. To be honest, Nige, the casual parking use on the police land was mentioned about two months ago at a public Brigg TC/Police Liaison Meeting......and you were there with your pencil.
    If I recall, it came up during general parking concerns and the lady PC indicated that some motorists were erroneously using the aforementioned patch of land.

    Secondly, custom and practice is a fairly powerful legal argument - if the police didn't object to continued use, eventually, motorists could claim they have acquired the right to park.

    Thirdly, can the police really turn a 'blind eye'.....wot would the consequences be if there was ever an accident....the police could be accused of complacency by condoning such 'illegal' parking use.

    On a busy day, it is obvious that Brigg does not have enough car parking spaces. The whole car parking facility needs revision and some thought should be given out of town park and ride - including NLC council employees.

  2. The difference now, Ken, is it's come in an official communique from a senior police officer, with dates given for when it's going to be implemented.
