Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sunday saw the first meeting of Brigg New Life Church in its new 'home' at Demeter School (former Brigg Prep School).
A congregation of 50 heard of the 'new chapter' opening up to the church. Thanks were expressed to the Principal and Headteacher for making the move possible, and an address by New Life's Senior Pastor, Stuart Bell (Lincoln) focused on opportunities for influence which lay ahead.
Local pastor, Alec Depledge, reminded us that the meeting on Sunday was a small, though significant, part of New Life's week, with members involved in many walks of life, including education, healthcare, industry, business and local government administration. Small groups also meet midweek for mutual support, and there are projects into the community, such as Care Home visits, school's work and a kids' club (KRASH).
Visiting clergy concluded the service with prayer for New Life.

1 comment:

  1. While we're on a religious theme, Nige, you're patron saint is St John.

    St J is the patronage of painters, poisons, burns and journalists.
