Monday, February 01, 2010


The old saying about waiting and waiting for a bus and then three coming along all at once is confirmed in Brigg not long after 9am - certainly on weekdays - when you can see just that number together at the stop in Cary Lane.
Something I keep meaning to check is whether Hornsby's buses (No 4 service) are now using Cary Lane again in the evenings. A few years ago, when we had repeated problems with objectionable youths milling around that part of town, after-dark buses were re-routed to the small stop near the White Horse.
Now the issue with the youths seems largely to have disappeared, have the buses again started using Cary Lane late at night? If the answer is No, then maybe someone should inform bus company managers about threatening behaviour incidents being very much reduced. Otherwise, how would they get to know?

1 comment:

  1. Is this story a trifle; a rhubard crumble perhaps? All that may be needed is a bit of parkin! And all will be roly-poly with the world once again instead of being up-side down with folks sponging from each other. Be rice to everyone and they will be nice to you, especially if you come from Yorkshire!
