Thursday, November 05, 2009


A reunion and nostalgic football match involving former players of the sadly missed Brigg Amateurs FC is to be held at the end of the month.
It will be at the Hawthorns - home of Brigg Town FC - on Saturday, November 28 (6.30pm KO, under lights).
Organiser Chris Faill has so far confirmed 18 ex-players of the once-mighty Amateurs, including someone he refers to as "Silky Skills Fisher".
He must have a lot better memory than me!
Chris adds: "I am looking to hopefully field two teams - one each half. This will give some of the older (experienced) players at least 45 minutes of action, plus time to regain their strength for a few beers and some food after the game (in the BTFC club]. Sam Harris has kindly agreed to provide a disco, so it could (should) be a great night."
Chris has supplied a list of players - a few only identified by nicknames from their playing days long ago, so I'll do my best to interpret. Apologies if I've missed the mark with any.
Brigg Amateurs Vets: Chris and Nigel Beacock, Paul Brooks, Neil Johnson, Mark Hotham, Kev Turner, Siz Brennan, Mick Richardson, Stu Tindall, Steven (Herbie) Pottage, Si Bingley, Geoff Bray, Tommy Smith, Keith Marshall, Kev Gammidge, Dennis Collins, Steve Marshall, Dave Jordan, Paul Harvey.
Other Brigg Ams vets reading this who had not heard about the match until now and who think they could still manage to turn out are very welcome to contact Chris Faill for further details. Follow the link here BRIGG AMS REUNION
I'm now 53 and hoping very much I don't turn out to be the oldest player taking part in this match. But it could well happen.
Brigg Amateurs ran three teams in the Scunthorpe and District Saturday League during the 1980s but the club folded within a relatively short space of time. The club was packed with characters and some good times were enjoyed - on and off the field. Those of us who supped too much on a Saturday night were caught out badly by some of those Sunday half-marathon run fundraisers from the far side of Caistor, back to Brigg. Somewhere I have a picture or two...and I've the medals to prove the course was duly completed - if rather slowly!
I seem to recall being passed by speedy striker Graham Day, somewhere near Clixby, and then being passed again by the same man a bit further along the route back to Brigg. Although quick on his feet, Graham's sense of direction was lacking a little and he'd taken a wrong turning.
Spectators are very welcome at the big match, which is against what's described as a Brigg Town X1. I know no more than that about our opponents.
Those Brigg Blog followers who network on Facebook can learn more about some of the Brigg Amateurs characters by visiting the Event page set up by Chris Faill called brigg town 11 verses brigg amateurs 11


  1. Obviously Chris played in a certain era for Brigg amatures.
    I remember the likes of Gig Smith ( record goalscorer in a season ) Pete Altoft ( fearless goalkeeper ), Martin North ( tough centre back , learnt how to bend the rules before becoming a ref ) Nick and Kev Good ( could win a header without jumping off the ground ) and Phil from Lincoln ( long suffering club secretary ) . I'm sure some of these would relish a game , failing that there must be a referee in there .

  2. some great players named,i was just starting playing as most of them were finnishing.i can remember walking home from the club with pete altoft reminising about some of his great games lol!!any ex brigg ams player can come along and play.i believe mr north is making an appearance as a player.
