Thursday, February 05, 2009


Reference was made to The Village People at last night's meeting of Brigg Town Council's policy committee, held in the lounge at the Angel Suite.
It's not unusual - sorry, Tom Jones! - for music being played at events upstairs in the old ballroom to filter down to council sessions downstairs.
But last night there was no rendition of It's Fun to Stay at the YMCA. For Coun Michael Doherty's reference to The Village People related to residents from places like Howsham, who come into Brigg to use the shops and services.
Later, another councillor used the word 'whipping'. But before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion and search engine hits on this posting start going into overdrive, let's put things into perspective.
Coun Penny Smith was talking about 'whipping' in its political context. More precisely, North Lincolnshire Council Labour group members voting along party lines.
Politicians often complain about journalists taking things out of context. Sometimes they have a point!

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