Monday, October 27, 2008


If you've never tried new age kurling, why not pop along this afternoon and give it a go?
There's a session of the popular pastime at St John's church hall, on Bigby Street, from 1pm to 3pm.
The cost is £1.50 and the person to contact for further information is Fresh Start's Marily Demott, tel (01652) 651127.
Tomorrow sees the Fresh Start Tuesday Crafters' group meeting from 10am-noon at Brigg Resource Centre, on Horstead Avenue. The cost is £1.50, with details being obtainable from Judith Davison, tel (01652) 618023.
The other Fresh Start event tomorrow is a Touch of Spice cookery session at the Resource Centre, from 2pm-4pm, for which the cost is £2, and Marilyn Demott will supply further information.

Pictured are Sheila Lever and John Lynch taking part in a new age kurling session at St John's church hall. They are showing the underside of the stones and how they can be used indoors.

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