Thursday, October 30, 2008


A thank-you message has arrived from Janice Siebert and John Simpson, in faraway South Africa.
Regular Brigg Blog followers will recall we recently appealed for information, on their behalf, about the Gurnell family. That appeal proved successful.
The email says: "Just to let you know that we have had two responses to our enquiry via your Blog - one from the grandson of the late Peter Gurnell and one from a lady who used to live on the farm next to Station House Farm (once a public house) who knew the family.
"There were a lot of farm names for Gurnell in all the available census from 1841, including Brumby House, Roxby Grange Farm, The Lodge, and two George Gurnells, father and son, were also innkeepers of The Queen’s Arms, either at Wrawby or Scawby (the census transcription is unclear)."
Our South African correspondents ask if we know whether these places still exist, and a reply has gone back giving information about the Queen's Arms, in Wrawby Street, recalling how it became the Fish Inn and now The Vines.
Our friends add: "One of these days the South African family would like to make a tour of the area to see where their ancestors lived.
"Again, many thanks for your help. Your Blog is so informative and puts our local free newspaper to shame for its content!"
With kind comments like that, they can't really go wrong, can then, if they want our help in the future!

The picture shows George Gurnell, a British member of the family the South Africans have been trying to trace, during a Briggensians' Association tour of Sir John Nelthorpe School, with headteacher Linda Hewlett-Parker.

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