Thursday, January 10, 2008


Further to Tuesday's story about the out-of-action street lighting in St Helen's Road, a Brigg resident has emailed a very helpful piece of information which, it appears, we can all use to report such faults.
Dinah Lilley says: "Just reading your Brigg Blog. Re the street light problem - I have, in the past, used the facility on the council's website for reporting such things and found it to be quite an efficient system. Street lights have been fixed quite quickly. Perhaps you could publicise this."
No problem, Dinah, and thanks. Faults can be recorded/reported by visiting:
Our own Coun Nigel Sherwood has reported the faulty light in St Helen's Road, by the way, having spotted the entry on this Blog. The lamp was still out of action when I passed by last night and again this morning, but hopefully will have been fixed sometime today.
It's been suggested I ought to have noted the number on the lamp-post and told the council but it was, of course, too dark to read it. Must carry a torch more often!

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