Sunday, October 22, 2017


From time to time we get bus-loads of people stopping off in Brigg on their way to other destinations.
Last night (Saturday) saw a large group from Hull call in at the Yarborough Hunt, on Bridge Street.
They had been to a beer festival in Gainsborough and were on the way back to their home-base hostelry on the north bank.
We chatted to a few of them and they were interested to learn that the Yarborough is a 'brewery tap' for real ale created just a few miles away.
We also told the real ale fans that they were sitting and supping just a few yards from where a renowned brewery, Sergeants, used to stand until the late 1960s (behind the White Hart).
Hopefully, the next time they are passing through, this group will call again - maybe for a little longer.
Meanwhile at the Yarborough Hunt, landlady Lucy Fensome, pictured, is rightly proud of the extensive and elaborate Halloween decorations that have been added to walls and ceilings, including cobwebs and some spiders.
Well worth taking a look, if you are passing by. And a good excuse for a pint!

The picture of Lucy was taken from Brigg Matters Magazine earlier this year by Ken Harrison.

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