Sunday, October 22, 2017



Calendars featuring photos of some of Lincolnshire’s breath-taking skies will help to raise money for the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
Do you enjoy seeing the changing skies and seasons across the varying Lincolnshire landscapes?  Do you love living in Lincolnshire and want to show family and friends from further afield how beautiful our county really is?  Or maybe you used to live in Lincolnshire and reminisce about the wonderful big skies with their amazing sunsets?
If so, then a Lincs Skies Calendar should be in your kitchen ready to go on the wall in January or to send to family and friends as a gift for the New Year. And, what’s better, all of the proceeds will come to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
The calendars are designed using the 12 winning images selected from over 180 entries into the Lincs Skies Photo Competition which is run each year during October by Rachel Rodgers.  The competition attracts entries from the best amateur and professional landscape photographers in the county.
Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Head of Fundraising & Communications, Sally Crawford, said: “This year the standard of photos submitted has been truly amazing, our local photographers have certainly pulled out all the stops and significantly raised the bar, which means the final calendars really are breath-taking. It is great to be able to include a smaller list-style calendar this year to take advantage of some of the amazing smartphone photos that we have seen. A big thank you to Rachel Rodgers from Lincs Skies for once again choosing to support our Charity.”
Thanks to Elsoms Seeds Ltd and other local businesses and individuals who have sponsored the calendar and covered the printing costs, all proceeds from calendar sales will come straight to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
Our iconic yellow helicopter is often seen in the Lincolnshire skies as it attends an average of 3 missions a day, 365 days of the year.
It costs our Charity £2.5million to keep our flying. As such, we rely totally on the generosity of people, organisations and businesses in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire to help us raise this money.  By buying a stunning Lincs Skies calendar you will be doing your bit to help us continue saving lives every day.
Calendars will go on sale on Saturday, October 21, and can be purchased online at, as well as all Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance shops in Lincolnshire and a wide range of other outlets listed at
There are two calendar sizes to choose from, a large A3 wall calendar, featuring high resolution images taken using DSLR cameras, and a smaller list-style calendar, which includes smartphone images.  The calendars cost just £10 and £8 respectively. And remember, every penny will come to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
Paul Banton, Director of Ruddocks Printers and a member of the judging panel that selected the winning images, said: “The standard of photography in the shortlisted entries was outstanding. It was very difficult to select 12 winners.  As well as judging, I have had the added pleasure of seeing the images I helped to select come together in the final design.  The end results coming off the printer looked absolutely amazing.  I hope people will support this wonderful way of raising funds for the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance and buy a calendar for the New Year.”
Find out more about our life-saving charity and how you can support us at
Or to buy a calendar online visit

NF ADDS: The air ambulance does great work and only the other Sunday came to Brigg to airlift someone to hospital. Fundraising takes place in our area to support the work of the life-saving ambucopter.

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